Thursday, April 7, 2016

Personality. Reflection. Dreams

Good Morning,

though, i don't see any good, but let's stick to the protocol and say good morning, yeah, And i hope everyone's doing fabulous.
i guess, i'm gonna be brief, so you don't have to get dull, and neither do i.

well, as i had opened my eyes  four days ago maybe five, i looked at my phone to found it's just 10 AM, so i said to myself, well, why the hell not get lazy since it's just Sunday, i pulled my blanket and turned to have a little doze, here the unprecedented journey starts, by the time i shaded my face, i found myself in a popular neighborhood located in Casablanca, the place named "Derb Sultan", there where my dad was born and raised. , anyways, i found myself stuck in a familiar place listening to my goofy cousin while he's talking to a bunch of acquaintances about something i don't even recall, in a moment, the sky became completely embellished by all kind of rockets, i thought at first, they were some sort of fireworks, then, it immediately stimulated to me the meeting between the King of this Kingdom  M-VI and the President of Russia Vladimir Putin which held last month in Moscow.), then, i started whispering to my cousin, i still bear in mind what i said, "Hey, if this is a war we don't stand a chance with Russia." he looked at me with an indifference, then it popped out to my mind that Algeria's major supplier of weaponry is Russia, then, there must be a conspiracy regarding the fight about Southern Sahara, so, i thought that we can rely on USA in this matter since we are the first country that admitted its existence, i looked up to the sky once again, i noticed that rockets surround us on every side, as i had scrolled down my head to the horizon i found my brainless cousin bursting into a huge laugh, i got mad,  then i turned around to find Obama talking on the phone, i rushed towards him, i told him "You must do something, otherwise, we all gonna die here." he looked at me terrifying, which i got to see in his face, that there's no satisfying feedback he can offer, I ran away seeking a safe resort, all the way throughout, there was no single person aware of the seriousness of the situation,  i was totally upset how these people are taking what's happening for granted, like if it were an episode of a Tv show or something, then i arrived to a building where i got to see or maybe feel the buildings kind of dreading the entire happening situation, i stood like a Bell Rock Lighthouse, i felt the the earth spins in my mind or maybe the other way around, but there was a fearful sensation got me to shut the hell up into a dream, for seconds, i stared at the weak buildings, not knowing about the end, in a while a sudden sound of a rocket banged the entire place and i freaked out in my pans, but i didn't move, then i saw the poor authentic buildings getting devastated before my eyes, i couldn't think of anything, i was powerless, it took me a while to wake up from that cut off of reality inside a dream, after i saw a vast zone destroyed in a switch of a light, all i did was sitting down on a threshold accepting the unthinkable faith while the tears filled in my eyes.

*Well, Well, Well, interesting, isn't it, you know what is interesting, it's the useless ability of traveling within a blank of an eye while we are drowned into oblivion. Now i'm wide awake, and all i can think of is a friend of mine who said about a while ago, that your writing is a reflection of the ongoing grinding war inside you.

- well, i guess, before sinking into my friend's saying, there has to be some explanation for some confusing components inside that dream.

1- why exactly that one-place in particular, not any other one?
2- why my shallow-minded cousin who I never kept him in mind, so i can tell he jumped into my dream because we got something in common or i think about him every once in a while or at least i give him a little space in my memory, and on top of it, he is older than me by almost eight years, that's definitely odd.
3- why am i the only person in that dream who gave a damn about what's going on? why was i trying to play the life saver?
4- what all these items represented in the dream? what is the message i'm supposed to decipher?
1 WAR, 2 Russia vs 3 Morocco, 4 Algeria, 5 Obama couldn't do anything, the meeting between the M-VI and Putin, 7 trembling like a baby in a dream, 8 the buildings which got demolished before my eyes, the people who continued acting normally including my cousin's friends, 
10- finally, "Me" Accepting the situation or my faith.

What's the message? What's the message? What's the message...

Saturday, February 27, 2016

24 hours to the Requiem

Oye Oye, the most longed-for statuette among the actors community is about to welcome with arms wide open some lucky cinematic hard-workers this Sunday Feb 28th at the Dolby Theatre in Hollywood.

Hollywood is going to be on fire this Saturday for three major reasons, and here's why you should not miss the Oscar night this year:

First of all, because Chris Rock, the most hilarious slash cynical comedian ever will be rocking the stage this year as a host, and when he does, you can never expect how humorous his speeches will be, especially the latter is extremely longing for the Oscar, where his last hosting was about ten years from now, and as a genuine proof, by the time the Academy announced his name as host for the 88th edition, he couldn't wait to not crack a joke, where he stated,

‘I'm Only Here Cause Ellen Said No’

Second of all, and as the majority of us know, the 88th edition has reached the crescendo earlier this year, the first scandal started with the leaking of some specific films, like: The revenant, Carol, Brooklyn..., then it followed later on with the announcement of the nominees, which caused a huge exasperation as a result of the absence of African American Actors for the second year in a row, the thing which led to an unexpected call from the formers. This annual event has been named as a boycott this year after the bold move the competent director Spike-Lee and the actress Jada Pinkett Smith made. however, let's wait and see if this surprising resolution will cause any big difference or stifle the joy we are expecting to live.

Last but not least, and According to my professional perspective, we are about to witness the most competitive night since forever, we will absolutely set eyes on some extraordinary exceptions for the first time ever. The entire cinematic world waits for the crucial moment of the misfortune's end of DiCaprio with damned golden statuette, yet, we may watch a unprecedented win for the impressive artist Emmanuel Lubezki, who's well-known for "Chivo", where he won two-time running the Oscar for best cinematographer, and if he does it this time, he will write his name with golden ink as the one and only artist who consecutively won three academy awards in the history.

Eventually, I can only advise you to buckle up cinephiles.

Here are my expectations for the Oscar night:


    Leonardo DiCaprio

    Brie Larson

    Mark Rylance
    Kate Winslet

    Emmanuel Lubezki

    Alejandro González Iñárritu

    Mad Max

     The Big Short


      Mad Max

      Mad Max 

      The Hateful Eight - Ennio Morricone  

      Writing on the wall - Specter 

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

A Talk Between Ego & Dignity

The Personality of a MAN  is reflected in the way he deals with Obstacles and Difficulties, and that what makes him Unique in People's consideration, and that's why less than the minority are called SPECIAL, whilst the rest is UNCHARACTERISTIC. Well, a curious question is being an unavoidable here, when one of those exotic special people's dignity is wounded, how do you think he's going to respond? The day you stop thinking and wondering about how it goes, you cease tasting the core of life at some level, the day people start asking you shallow questions, you have to be aware that you are a shallow-person, yet, you're no longer an interesting person, and that's very dangerous; therefore, your conversations with people will be as limited as your life, a turning point has been occurred lately to the dearest dude i know, he's well-known for TS__ONE, this guy has confronted a situations with someone that made him a better guy, but it seems his life turned head over hill lately, both Forgetfulness and indifference haven't dropped out his handsome face for the couple of days, but this noon a crucial decision was made based on his Ideology, when people were having Exams, he was like a sociopath falling under suspicion, he tried to get over it, but it fucked him over afterward, because he's very sensitive to gestures, no matter how cool he looks, he's still bounded to little tiny gestures that can pump up his mood or smash it down,
this noon i saw him in corner having his coffee, and I could not stand it anymore, i did immediately jump into his space, I said, " Hey, my friend, it's been a while we haven't chatted, what's cracking, you seem isolated." it turned out to me that he was in a complete break of reality, he gazed me with an absent-minded look, he answered, "Do you know how it feels to make a remarkable breakthrough that makes random people feel happy but it's tasteless for you, do you hein? you have no idea how the road seems not fabulous today, my friend thanks for checking out on me, but I'm quite better off without people around, catch you later." he left me in a maze of confusion, I could not decode what he meant, my curiosity didn't allow me to let it go, he trudges, so i followed him, I stopped him,

"hey look man, you look desperate, what's going on, I'm your friend, you know you can trust me, tell me, i can't see you like this, what sort of problems you have?.", he stared at me then he simpers,

" it's so silly and  it's not even a big deal, well, that was at the beginning not now, so you are too curious to know, OK, let's see, have you ever experienced the feeling of being ignored from the one you love the most, not once not twice but three times a row in less then 4hours on top of it, do you, of course you haven't, so you can never feel me bud, that's why I told you I'm better off without people around,  people are fanatics to hear and listen to stories, but they don't feel them, and that's so ironic, to pay attention, but actually you don't, I told you my dilemma is very pathetic, because it's so schizophrenic how could the woman that claimed that she loves me back to not wish me a good luck in what i do, even though i don't believe in it, maybe because she knows I'm not a quite believer in fluke, but what i can't really get how she could not care for the the things that we used to believe is going to make our future, neither skirmish nor wrangles would pull her off to not express a little respect for..."

I interrupted him, " dude you're still talking in a subliminal way, but i guess the key is very simple, pull yourself together and go ahead start the conversation that matters, you can end this silly sufferance anytime you want."

he scratches his  hair then he smirks, " Whooo, you never know how dumb you are till a clever guy steps in, what about my Dignity, what about my attitude that has changed since the moment she left the bubble that we used to see the world from, what about all those nights I stayed up thinking what did I do to deserve this, Hein, what about this afternoon when she saw heading to get examined, if she could not swallow her pride and ego to write me few words, I can not surpass this disrespectful act, because where I'm from  duties are beyond any quarrels' level, her ego is the turning point in our story, because to say sorry takes guts, only few people can make mistakes and they admit what they've done, but her arrogance made the gap hole bigger with each day passing to the extend I came up with a better manner to show her what she's missing here, since people take revenge as back up plan if they got hurt, I'm gonna have one, but in my own way, and since I don't believe in vengeance, and more importantly I still love her, because she's still my Baby no matter what, I'm gonna make her curse the day she didn't have the courage to swallow her haughtiness and say I'm sorry, I'm gonna build a world of fantasy, full of those things I used to orate on when I used to play with her fingers while she's sitting next to me, I'm gonna show her every little advanced move I make, and leave her all alone with her sorrowful phase, that ain't gonna do her any good, i guess i told you everything you were curious to know, and as you see you couldn't help out, but thanks for the talk homie, I gotta bounce off in life."

he turned around and started sauntering, then I was happy to see how his spirit got increasingly revived  within the talk, but i doubt you move on in life my dear, but she definitely will, or maybe the other way around.

Sunday, January 17, 2016

رصاصة الرحمة التي أثلجت صدري وأسكنت الطمأنينة في قلبي، أعطتني ليس فقط بصيص من الأمل وإنما الأمل كله، هذا الموهوب بالفطرة الذي كان أخر من توج بجائزة الأكاديمية السنة الفارطة، أبدا لم يلتحق بآي معهد لدراسة التمثيل آو المسرح، لاكن إستطاع آن يجد له مكانا ضمن كبار السينما، هذا ليس هو بيت القبيل، المغزى هنا هو أنه بدأ مسيرته في سن قد يعتبر متأخر نوعا ما بالنسبة لمسيرة ممثل، حيث أولى أفلامه كان سنة 2006 عندما كان يبلغ من العمر 24، و أنا الذي قلت أنني 

.في عداد الموتى و المفقودين، إتضح أن القطار المتجه إلى القمة ليس له ميعاد محدد

                                                 Eddie Redmayne
                         شكرا على الفرحة و الأمل الذي سيغير شكل المستقبل في أعيني