Thursday, April 7, 2016

Personality. Reflection. Dreams

Good Morning,

though, i don't see any good, but let's stick to the protocol and say good morning, yeah, And i hope everyone's doing fabulous.
i guess, i'm gonna be brief, so you don't have to get dull, and neither do i.

well, as i had opened my eyes  four days ago maybe five, i looked at my phone to found it's just 10 AM, so i said to myself, well, why the hell not get lazy since it's just Sunday, i pulled my blanket and turned to have a little doze, here the unprecedented journey starts, by the time i shaded my face, i found myself in a popular neighborhood located in Casablanca, the place named "Derb Sultan", there where my dad was born and raised. , anyways, i found myself stuck in a familiar place listening to my goofy cousin while he's talking to a bunch of acquaintances about something i don't even recall, in a moment, the sky became completely embellished by all kind of rockets, i thought at first, they were some sort of fireworks, then, it immediately stimulated to me the meeting between the King of this Kingdom  M-VI and the President of Russia Vladimir Putin which held last month in Moscow.), then, i started whispering to my cousin, i still bear in mind what i said, "Hey, if this is a war we don't stand a chance with Russia." he looked at me with an indifference, then it popped out to my mind that Algeria's major supplier of weaponry is Russia, then, there must be a conspiracy regarding the fight about Southern Sahara, so, i thought that we can rely on USA in this matter since we are the first country that admitted its existence, i looked up to the sky once again, i noticed that rockets surround us on every side, as i had scrolled down my head to the horizon i found my brainless cousin bursting into a huge laugh, i got mad,  then i turned around to find Obama talking on the phone, i rushed towards him, i told him "You must do something, otherwise, we all gonna die here." he looked at me terrifying, which i got to see in his face, that there's no satisfying feedback he can offer, I ran away seeking a safe resort, all the way throughout, there was no single person aware of the seriousness of the situation,  i was totally upset how these people are taking what's happening for granted, like if it were an episode of a Tv show or something, then i arrived to a building where i got to see or maybe feel the buildings kind of dreading the entire happening situation, i stood like a Bell Rock Lighthouse, i felt the the earth spins in my mind or maybe the other way around, but there was a fearful sensation got me to shut the hell up into a dream, for seconds, i stared at the weak buildings, not knowing about the end, in a while a sudden sound of a rocket banged the entire place and i freaked out in my pans, but i didn't move, then i saw the poor authentic buildings getting devastated before my eyes, i couldn't think of anything, i was powerless, it took me a while to wake up from that cut off of reality inside a dream, after i saw a vast zone destroyed in a switch of a light, all i did was sitting down on a threshold accepting the unthinkable faith while the tears filled in my eyes.

*Well, Well, Well, interesting, isn't it, you know what is interesting, it's the useless ability of traveling within a blank of an eye while we are drowned into oblivion. Now i'm wide awake, and all i can think of is a friend of mine who said about a while ago, that your writing is a reflection of the ongoing grinding war inside you.

- well, i guess, before sinking into my friend's saying, there has to be some explanation for some confusing components inside that dream.

1- why exactly that one-place in particular, not any other one?
2- why my shallow-minded cousin who I never kept him in mind, so i can tell he jumped into my dream because we got something in common or i think about him every once in a while or at least i give him a little space in my memory, and on top of it, he is older than me by almost eight years, that's definitely odd.
3- why am i the only person in that dream who gave a damn about what's going on? why was i trying to play the life saver?
4- what all these items represented in the dream? what is the message i'm supposed to decipher?
1 WAR, 2 Russia vs 3 Morocco, 4 Algeria, 5 Obama couldn't do anything, the meeting between the M-VI and Putin, 7 trembling like a baby in a dream, 8 the buildings which got demolished before my eyes, the people who continued acting normally including my cousin's friends, 
10- finally, "Me" Accepting the situation or my faith.

What's the message? What's the message? What's the message...

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